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Translating in Style ‒ English Syntax and Structures


mit Deborah Fry M.A. (Cantab.), Dip. Trans
Termin: Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024, 6 Stunden 9:30 bis 15:30 Uhr

Seminarort: Erste Campus, Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Wien
Seminarsprache: Englisch

Über die Vortragende

Aims and content

All translators worthy of the name are aware of the dangers of “translatorese” ‒ target text that reproduces the structure and other linguistic peculiarities of the source language. The rise of rapid, cheap NMT- and AI-based tools with their “natural”-sounding output has made this even more of a problem. Language professionals therefore need to avoid the translatorese trap (and a few others) all the time if we are to continue adding value.
This seminar helps to provide solutions here by taking a deep dive into English syntax and structures. After a brief discussion of the principles of good English style, we shall dissect typical “German-sounding” sentences and text structures, and identify ways to improve them in English. Real-life examples from a variety of text registers and domains will be used, while good translations and original English texts will offer examples of best practice. At the end, participants can put what they have learned into practice in a short quiz


At the end of this seminar, participants will

• Have reinforced their sense of good English style and syntax
• Have gained a deeper understanding of common “German-sounding” sentences and phrases in English
• Have learned to avoid key structural traps when translating and editing from German to English
• Have a useful set of best-practice materials for ready reference

Target group
The seminar is aimed at native and non-native translators, revisers and editors of English texts. It will be delivered in English.

Ort: Erste Campus, Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Wien
Datum: Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2024, 6 Stunden 9:30 Uhr bis 15:30 Uhr

Preis Präsenzteilnahme: EUR 500,00. Der Preis versteht sich exklusive Umsatzsteuer. Im Preis sind Lunch Snacks und Pausenverpflegung inkludiert. Unterlagen werden elektronisch zur Verfügung gestellt.
Preis Remote-Teilnahme: EUR 420,00. Der Preis versteht sich exklusive Umsatzsteuer. Unterlagen werden elektronisch zur Verfügung gestellt.

Hybrid-Seminar: Es gibt 16 Plätze für die Präsenzteilnahme und 12 Plätze für die Remote-Teilnahme.

Anmeldefrist: 16. August 2024

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