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Pitfalls V: General Edition

Termin: Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2021
Ort: Design Offices Westendcarree, Gervinusstraße 17, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
mit Deborah Fry M.A. (Cantab.), Dip. Trans

Über die Vortragende

Zwei halbtägige Module

Part One: General language terms Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Part Two: Core communications and business terms Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 Time: 2:00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.


The “Pitfalls” seminars apply the 80/20 principle to German-to-English translation by focusing on the subset of terms that cause the most grief in practice. This new seminar – the fifth in the series – focuses on the more general terms underlying translations in many types of corporate documents. Fachlich, grundsätzlich, Kompetenzen, Parameter, Träger, Verantwortlicher, Vertrieb: these and many other problem words will be examined, and their different meanings discussed, using real-life examples.

The seminar is split into two modules, which will cover different words and can be booked separately if desired. Exercises will allow participants to test what they have learned, while the seminar materials offer a handy terminology resource and reading list. Active participation is sought and attendees are encouraged to send in terms for discussion up to two weeks in advance.

At the end of this seminar, participants will have

  • Gained an in-depth understanding of many general problem terms in German-to-English translations
  • Be aware of a wide range of “proper” English solutions
  • Tested their knowledge and practiced what they have learned
  • Received a list of reference resources

Target group
The seminar is aimed at native and non-native translators of English corporate texts. It will be delivered in English.

Place: Design Offices Westendcarree, Gervinusstraße 17, 60322 Frankfurt am Main
Part One: General language terms Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Part Two: Core communications and business terms Date: Wednesday, 20 October 2021 Time: 2:00 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.
Both sessions include a break of 20–30 minutes

Preis Präsenzteilnahme: EUR 200,00 für ein Modul (Part One oder Part Two). Bei Buchung von beiden Modulen (Part One und Part Two) ist der Preis EUR 370,00. Der Preis versteht sich exklusive Umsatzsteuer. Im Preis sind Mittagessen und Pausenverpflegung inkludiert.

Preis Remote-Teilnahme: EUR 150,00 für ein Modul (Part One oder Part Two). Bei Buchung von beiden Modulen (Part One und Part Two) ist der Preis EUR 270,00. Der Preis versteht sich exklusive Umsatzsteuer.

Hybrid-Seminar: Es gibt 12 Plätze für die Präsenzteilnahme und 15 Plätze für die Remote-Teilnahme. Bitte teilen Sie die Art der gewünschten Teilnahme mit.

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Click here to listen to an interview with Deborah Fry


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