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German to English Translation Pitfalls II
Terminology Workshop (financial and business texts)

Freitag, 15. Juni 2018
mit Deborah Fry M.A. (Cantab.), Dip. Trans
(Seminar in English)

Über die Vortragende

Attendees will:

  • Gain an in-depth understanding of problem terms in German-to-English financial and corporate translation
  • Obtain an overview of other typically German issues
  • Enhance their awareness of “proper” English solutions
  • Test their knowledge and practice what they have learned
  • Receive reference resources and further reading

More Problem Terms, Tips and Tricks for German-to-English Financial and Corporate Texts

The 80/20 principle says that a positive outcome can be achieved in a large proportion of cases by focusing on a subset of key issues. Following on from the successful “Pitfalls I” seminar held in December 2017, this one-day event again applies this rule to German-to-English financial and corporate texts. Core terms and phrases are examined and their different meanings discussed using real-life examples. In addition, the seminar looks more generally at Germanisms and other gremlins in German-to-English translation and heightens awareness of “proper” English solutions. Group exercises allow participants to test what they have learned, while the seminar materials offer a handy terminology resource and further reading. Active participation is sought and attendees are encouraged to send in terms for discussion up to two weeks in advance.

Ort: Le Meridien Frankfurt, Wiesenhüttenplatz 28-38, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Datum: Freitag, 15. Juni 2018 Zeit: 9:30 bis 17:30 Uhr
Preis: EUR 320,00. Der Preis versteht sich exklusive Umsatzsteuer. Im Preis sind Mittagessen, Pausenverpflegung und Seminarunterlagen inkludiert.

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